By Bus or By Trekking
Janjehli is the nearest accessible area by Bus. You can also get BUS to nearby place "BHULAH" only few buses are available for Bhulah.
It is a Trekking route of 6Km from Bulah towards Shikari devi main Hill(Main temple).
Another option is to get a Trekking route from Kataru (2km ahead from Janjelhi Main Bus stand.)
From Bagsaid and Keolidhar
Nearest trekking point is Kandha Valley . Trekking could be done from Kandha to Rampusharan and then Chota Narol , bada nirol.
For trekking option from Bagsaid the best smallest route is from JawalJhand or Gang ghat. It starts upto Aramachine ppoint and then need to take left turn. Next stations are chota nirol and Bada Nirol respectively.